Our Plants / Perennials / Alpine Mouse Ears

Alpine Mouse Ears

Alpine Mouse Ears

Cerastium alpinum lanatum

Evergreen Resists Deer Native to North America

Collection: Perennials
Tags: cerastium, snow-in-summer

Silvery foliage is smothered in white flowers in June. Growth is much denser than C. tomentosum.


Botanical NameCerastium alpinum lanatum
ExposureFull Sun
HardinessZone 2
Flower ColourWhite
Bloom MonthsJune
FeaturesEvergreen, Native to North America, Resists Deer

Planting Instructions

Diagram of plant in large hole filled with soil
  • Remove from the growing container.
  • Dig a hole 2 times container size and same depth of container.
  • Refill with dry soil.
  • Water thoroughly after planting.