Our Plants / Perennials / New Moon Globeflower

New Moon Globeflower

New Moon Globeflower

Trollius x cultorum 'New Moon'

Cut Flowers Resists Deer Resists Rabbits

Collection: Perennials
Tags: globeflower, trollius

Divided green foliage forms a compact mound. Large, creamy yellow flowers on strong upright stems make a terrific spring and summer display as well as great cut flowers. Prefers cooler spots.


Botanical NameTrollius x cultorum 'New Moon'
ExposureFull Sun, Partial Shade
HardinessZone 3
Flower ColourYellow
Bloom MonthsJuly, August
FeaturesCut Flowers, Resists Deer, Resists Rabbits

Planting Instructions

Diagram of plant in large hole filled with soil
  • Remove from the growing container.
  • Dig a hole 2 times container size and same depth of container.
  • Refill with dry soil.
  • Water thoroughly after planting.