Our Plants / Vegetables / Trinidad Scorpion Hot Pepper

Trinidad Scorpion Hot Pepper

Trinidad Scorpion Hot Pepper

Capsicum chinense

Collection: Vegetables
Tags: hot pepper, pepper

These little red wrinkled peppers have tails similar to scorpions. They taste slight fruity, almost sweet, until the extreme heat kicks in. Take care and use gloves when handling these peppers - they are one of the hottest in the world.


Botanical NameCapsicum chinense
ExposureFull Sun
Fruit ColourRed
Fruit Size5x4cm
Days to Harvest80

Planting Instructions

Diagram of plant in large hole filled with soil
  • Remove from the growing container.
  • Dig a hole 2 times container size and same depth of container.
  • Refill with dry soil.
  • Water thoroughly after planting.