Our Plants / Vegetables / Bright Lights Swiss Chard

Bright Lights Swiss Chard

Bright Lights Swiss Chard

Beta vulgaris ssp. flavescens

Collection: Vegetables
Tags: swiss chard

This stunning mix produces delicious, mildly flavoured stems in yellow, gold, orange, pink, violet, green, red, and even striped! The tender bronze to dark green leaves are best harvested young for salads or eaten like spinach or beet greens.


Botanical NameBeta vulgaris ssp. flavescens
ExposureFull Sun
Days to Harvest60

Planting Instructions

Diagram of plant in large hole filled with soil
  • Remove from the growing container.
  • Dig a hole 2 times container size and same depth of container.
  • Refill with dry soil.
  • Water thoroughly after planting.